Estudantes internacionais
International Students
Choosing an education for our children is one of the most important decisions parents make. Final conclusions are often influenced by the ‘feel’ of the selected school. Therefore we highly recommend taking advantage of Enraizar guides visits and then following to this a full-day intern parents together with their children to fully experience a day at Enraizar.
Currently, Enraizar welcomes international children from age 3 years old onwards in a bilingual mode within its pedagogical framework of totally individualized learning rhythm based on the Portuguese national curriculum for elementary schools. Junior high school / key stage 2 / school year classes 5 onwards are possible as international external students. From 1st grade to 4th, the legal basement is the inscription in the homeschooling program within the national Portuguese school system (please see here the applicable legislation DL 70-2021 REGULA ED E EI) or registered on an international external educational project.
We are happy to clarify all your questions and concerns in an individual meeting and recommend contacting us directly at geral@enraizar.pt.